Traditionally the month of love, this February I've searched my archives for valentinian photos - from lovers and courtship to hearts and flowers... all from nature, of course... well, except that I must begin with a tribute to my own beloved valentine, Crystal.
I found far more pertinent images than I expected (60+)... and quit searching before I was done since I can't use that many anyway. Who'd-a-thunk I was such a voyeur of romance? With little further flourish, here is some Love - from my heart and our beautiful world - to yours.
Besides eating, "loving each other up" seems to be a main activity for manatees
Barred Paired
Grackle Courtship
Suwannee Limerock embraced in the arms (legs?) of a tupelo
Great Blue Love
Sensuality of the Sea
Hugs, way down deep.
Calling for her, while strutting his stuff
Wood Ducks... well, you know.
Inter-species Intimacy
The Grace of Courtship
Christmas Tree Worms share a coralline home.
Black-necked Stilt Lovers
Luna Lovemaking
Valentine Breeding Plumage
Oystercatchers dressed and made-up for a date
Enfolded Menage a Trois
Black Skimmer Pair Reflecting
Young Tom strutting his stuff
Florida Lobster Crawl
Lovers' Quarrel? Not.
Happy Valentines Day
Reflecting Ibis Pair
Fire Within
"Water Angel" by a Giant Strider
Great Egret Intimacy
Yellow-crowned Night Heron trying to impress her. I'm impressed.
Can't get enough petting
The Lift - A delicate dance move between Cypress and Tupelo
Gray Angel Mates
Broken Hearted
May yours be a month, a year, a lifetime of love and growth, joy and awe, inspired by Mother Nature's bounty. Please leave a comment here at my blog, and share the link freely. I am grateful to you, my viewers, for all your support and encouragement.