Palmy Dreams on the Econlockhatchee

April 01, 2017  •  46 Comments


Econ Glory

The Econ, as locals know it, is a long & winding creek that feeds the mighty St. Johns River in Northeast Florida.  Finding the nondescript mouth and picking a path in through the bars during low water were challenging for newbies like us.  But Crystal and I had heard of this creek's great Florida iconic beauty for a long time, and had seen a slew of luring photos, so we were determined to spend a few days camping from our boat while exploring its serpentine passages.

Palms of the Econlockhatchee B&WPalms of the Econlockhatchee B&W

Please join us as we celebrate our wedding anniversary camping on the Econlockhatchee River.


On the floodplain marsh near the mouth, cattle grazed the grasses, while a few chilled in the tannic river.  Calves danced near the bank as we passed.


Palm Isle Moo


But the real draw for me, were the graceful clumps of palms, evoking strong affinity dating back to my childhood.  Such grace and beauty.  And one of my clear notions of the real Florida.

Reflections_on_Palm_GrovesReflections_on_Palm_Groves Palm_LightPalm_Light  

As evening approached the first day, we came upon a raised shelter overlooking a lovely bend in the river.  Often used by hikers along the Florida Trail, but not another soul around on this day, we accepted the gift of a lofty perch.


Econ Camp Hut.  Look closely, it's there.

Camp_EconCamp_Econ Palm_Panorama_2Palm_Panorama_2 Location. Location. Location!



 In the morning, mist rose eerily from the river. Always a nice photo op!

Misty_Palm_PanoMisty_Palm_Pano Palms_in_Fog_&_HeronPalms_in_Fog_&_Heron Bending_into_MistBending_into_Mist

And then the sun rose...

Econ_SunriseEcon_Sunrise Econ_Sunrise_2Econ_Sunrise_2 Foggy_Palm_ReflectionFoggy_Palm_Reflection

After a leisurely breakfast, we packed up and idled further upstream.  No calves playing on the banks up here.


The Man Behind the Curtain


Big One.  Incoming !


Stark Study

Palm_SunsetPalm_Sunset Econ_Camp_TwoEcon_Camp_Two Camping Neath the PalmsCamping Neath the Palms Coffee_Time_at_CampCoffee_Time_at_Camp

Coffee Time


Painterly Palms


Texture of Palm in Early Light

Gators were aplenty.  We kept Scruff on the boat or on a short leash and kept a keen eye out.   Gator_Launch_PanoGator_Launch_Pano

It was an effective strategy.  We left the Econ behind, safe, happy, and fulfilled for now. Hope you enjoyed the snapshot of a Florida river.  May you be inspired to get out for a walk, paddle, hike, or ride in Nature's finest. And devote some time or energy toward helping to conserve what wild beauty we still have.

Palm PanoramaPalm Panorama Thanks for joining us. Your comments - no matter how brief -  here at my photoblog are greatly appreciated!  And please share the link with friends.


Mark N Canter(non-registered)
Lovely, intelligent images --- as usual! I love your compositions. What an eye!
I grew up in north Florida and your beautiful photo journal makes me homesick!!
Betty Hudson(non-registered)
Absolutely love all your photos. What a wonderful way to spend your anniversary.
Celia Sweetser(non-registered)
David and Crystal allow me to quietly celebrate the Florida I feel and love, without leaving a footprint. Such joy to just know a wild bit is still there. Always, I am afraid of showing too much, that our wild places are too fragile to accommodate the hoards who might come to "love them to death". Your photos transport us. Thank you!
Happy Anniversary! What a splendid way to celebrate.
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