Tallahassee Magazine - "The Moynahan Edition"

October 01, 2018  •  31 Comments

In mid-September, I got an email from the Director of Editorial Services (and author of article referenced here), Steve Bornhoft, saying, "The Moynahan Edition of the Tallahassee Magazine has arrived..."  Earlier in the summer he'd interviewed me for this article to feature my nature photography.  Ultimately, it turned into a beautifully written cover story and 12 pages spotlighting my work. 

Thanks Steve.  And thanks to the many who've already seen the magazine and sent words of support, encouragement, and congratulations. (A copy is readily available from Roland Publishing on Miccosukee Road or at Books A Million in Tallahassee for $3.95.)

Floating EyesFloating Eyes

Floating Eyes Lake VistaLake Vista

Lake Vista Panorama

This collection is assembled from five of my "top drawer" portfolios: Flora, Florida Landscape, Reptiles & Amphibians, Hand of Man, and Invertebrates.  All the photos are from Florida.  You will likely recognize some of these images from previous posts.  Mr. Bornhoft started off the article with a spread from my FLORA portfolio.

Lily Among CypressLily Among CypressLake Bradford paddle with John Moran

Lily Among Cypress

New Day DawnsNew Day DawnsThat's St. Vincent Island, FL in the distance across the Pass. Sunrise.

New Day Dawns

Florida Mountain LaurelFlorida Mountain Laurel

Florida Mountain Laurel

Thistle SunriseThistle Sunrise

Thistle Sunrise

Marsh MallowMarsh MallowShepard Spring walk with John Moran

Marsh Mallow

Turn the page and you find FLORIDA LANDSCAPE. These are from my website's largest portfolio.  Tough choices!

Lucky StrikeLucky Strike

Lucky Strike Spring Run LightSpring Run Light

Spring Run Light

East River MystEast River Myst

East River Myst

Naked under the StarsNaked under the Stars

Naked Under the Stars - Naked Springs

The next spread is from REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS (well, except for one Crustacean from the Invertebrates Portfolio).

Night PatrolNight Patrol

Night Patrol

Rise & Fall of Tads 2Rise & Fall of Tads 2

Rise & Fall of Tads

Fiddler in MoonlightFiddler in MoonlightWakulla Beach morning and evening

Fiddler in the Moonlight

Gopher TortoiseGopher TortoiseSeven Runs Creek, Forida Forever

Gopher Tortoise

When human impact is evident in the photo, I file my portfolio images in the HAND OF MAN gallery.

Canopy Road VCanopy Road V

Canopy Road V

Fire WaterFire Water

Fire Water

Fern Hammock SpringFern Hammock SpringJuniper Springs Recreation Area, FL

Fern Hammock Spring

Beacon in the CosmosBeacon in the Cosmos

Beacon in the Cosmos

White DinghyWhite Dinghy

White Dinghy

The last spread is of images chosen from my INVERTEBRATES portfolio (Wildlife Gallery).

Bay ScallopBay ScallopI take an intimate look into the delicate blue-eyed bay scallop and wonder how I can kill and eat such a creature.

Bay Scallop

GabrielGabrielHark! Gabriel, with wings aglow, alit his trumpet and blew with all his heart.


Fire Ant IslandFire Ant IslandFloodwaters call for desperate measures. By clinging to each other, the fire ant colony creates a floating island. Apalachicola National Forest, FL

Fire Ant Island (Survivalists from a flood.)

Dawn Egg LayerDawn Egg Layer

Dawn Layer

In case you're in the mood for more, there are plenty of cool shots in other portfolios at my website -- davidmoynahan.com -- such as Birds, Mammals, and Underwater (found in the Wildlife Galleries); or Animal, Vegetable, & Mineral (compositions from nature found in my Details Galleries); and mostly abstract compositions from nature in Photo Art.  Please take a look sometime when you need a re-balancing visit to the great outdoors.  

Thanks for your return visits to my blog posts, your encouragement and support of my work, and your caring and actions toward the stewardship of natural Mother Earth.  Please leave a comment, however brief, below.  And share this link wildly and widely.



John Hardt(non-registered)
David, some of us get so accustomed to your brilliant photos that we just come to see them as part of the (beautiful) flow that comes to us from the universe without any effort on our part. I'm glad the readers of this magazine also are getting a chance to see them. They may realize (as some of the rest of us have long known) that the work you do with your camera is truly wonderous!
Jay Holloway(non-registered)
You are awesome. I admire your photographs. I've dabbled in photography since a kid, but never got serious with it. My mom would encourage me to get into it more, but never did. Sadly she passed on July 31st this year. Miss her badly. And then hurricane Michael devastated my little hometown of Chattahoochee !!
May I request an autographed edition of the magazine your photos are in? Dont get to Tallahassee much anymore since mom left us. It would be greatly appreciated !!
Thank you,David.
Love those tads! Toxic too! I just wish the editors of those magazines that use the beauty of Florida to sell real estate would gobble a few.
Steve W(non-registered)
Familiar shots and still riveting !
Jim Smoot(non-registered)
Awesome collection! Wow, nature at its finest. Thanks.
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