David Moynahan Photoblog Archive and Index
May Firefly Magic Round the Sinkhole Surreal nightscape with fireflies.
June Chassahowitzka Photo Journal of trip - Chasshowitzka Wildlife Management Area
July Bays and Glades Exploring the Everglades
August Portrait of a River Images from Apalachicola River and tributaries
September Drive Me to Abstraction Photo Abstracts from Nature
October Wildflowers & Butterflies of Fall North Florida wildflowers and butterflies
November Nightscapes Light Painting FL Landscapes at Night
December Portrait of a River Project - Success! Photo Journal of Apalachicola River trip
January Disappearing Ice Glaciers and icebergs of Iceland
February Polar Vortex Embraces Florida Beautiful abstracts of ice formations
March Springs Eternal Spring hop around North and Central Florida
April Suwannee Fire Camping along the Suwannee River
May Cocoa Beach Photo memories from many family trips to Cocoa
June Historic Hays-Hood House Art Show Photos exhibited at my show
July Sopchoppy Bizarre cypress knees and giant trees along the Sopchoppy River
August Choctawhatchee River Adventures Photos from the mysterious river, spring and tributaries
September Shepherd Spring A spring along the Florida Trail from the sky, land, and underwater
October Remembering Leon County's Lake Bradford and chain of lakes
November Giant Tadpoles of Econfina Pristine springs with giant tadpoles on Econfina Creek
December Coming To Pass Photos from the adventures along with excerpts from the book
January Of Rainbows and Lambs Portentous sunrise rainbow and birthing lambs at farm in N. Georgia
February River Love Poem Valentines river camping trips with my beloved
April Morning Glory Early morning outings
May Hand of Man Artsy photos that include man-made structures
June In the Blink of an Eye Looking closely at eyes of many creatures
July Oil Blots and unspOILed Spots High-contrast photos featured in an anthology about FL's coast
August The Realm of St. Marks - An Introduction Selection of best shots from St Marks National Wildlife Refuge
September Springs of the Mill Pond Exploration of Merritts Mill Pond and its springs, Jackson County, FL
October Earthly Eyes Aglow Night photography at Hole in the Wall Spring, Merritts Mill Pond
November Ginnie and Her Santa Fe River Springs Ginnie Springs on the Santa Fe River, Florida
December Landscapes of St. Marks Landscape photos from St Marks National Wildlife Refuge
January Way Up Upon the Suwannee River River camping on the upper Suwannee River
February Valentines Photos from David's archives with a love theme
April Tallahassee International Airport Art Metal prints on display at Live Oak Cafe, TLH airport
May On My Knees The beauty of cypress knees
June Under the Sea Underwater photography from dive trip to Belize, Caribbean
July Sands of Tide Abstracts and landscapes from Florida's beaches
August Bay Scallops Underwater photos of Florida bay scallops, including close ups
September Florida Spring Hopping Many beautiful springs from around Florida
October Wild Florida Photos exhibited in the Wild Florida Show in West Palm Beach, FL
November November Florida nature photography made in the fall, specifically November
December Aucilla Selected shots from paddling trips on the Aucilla River, FL
January Eye of the Aquifer The making of a surreal nightscape at an amazing place in FL
February Blue Cypress Lake Christmas Boat camping on Blue Cypress Lake
March Naked Under the Stars Star trail nightscape at Naked Spring, Gilchrist Blue Spring State Park, FL
April Palmy Dreams on the Econlockhatchee Boat camping on the Econlockhatchee River, FL
May Sweet Satilla Kayak camping on the Satilla River, S. Georgia
July Photography in Conservation David's work as used in conservation
August Milky Way Over North Florida First efforts shooting the Milky Way
September The Great American Solar Eclipse The solar eclipse from Pleasant View, TN
October The Awe of the Storm Shooting stormy skies in N. Florida
November Milky Way Revisited North Florida Milky Way photography
December Galapagos Photos made on recent trip to Galapagos
January Reflections Reflections in and on nature
February Suwannee River Camping Kayak camping on a section of the Suwannee River
March Seven Runs Creek - Florida Forever! Photo log and tales from multiple trips on one of Florida's wildest places
April Spring Migration at the Florida Gulf Coast Photos of neotropical migratory birds at St George Island
June Florida - Land of Flowers Selection of David's best photos of flowers
July Water from Stone - Rock Springs One of Florida's hidden gems, including a dramatic nightscape
August The Realm of the Gator Diverse portfolio of David's best photos of alligators in Florida
September Infrared Vision Dramatic panoramas and Florida landscapes in black and white using infrared photography
October Tallahassee Magazine - The Moynahan Edition Cover article about David's work featuring 12 pages of photo spreads
November Tour of Prints Selections from current print inventory
December Before the Eye of the Storm Pre-storm Florida nature photos from Hurricane Michael's path through Florida
January Mashes Sands Selection of photos from an amazing Gulf beach in the FL panhandle
February Eclipse of the Moon Celebration of the moon, starting with the Super Blood Wolf Lunar Eclipse of 2019
March Suwannee Estuary Camping and exploring the islands in the Gulf at the mouth of the Suwannee
April Florida Swamps. Photos of swamps from the Everglades to the Panhandle
May Help Me Pick - Wakulla Springs. Finalist options of David's photos for the Wakulla Springs Lodge
June Wakulla Springs Picks. Large photo transparencies on permanent exhibit in Wakulla Springs Lodge lobby
June Tallahassee Museum & the new Snake Digs. Wide panoramas made for the Museum snake habitats & Museum grounds
July Suwannee Spring Illuminations. The making of a Suwannee Springs nightscape
August Maine Rocks. Photos of the beautiful coastal rocks of mid coast, Maine.
September Fisheating Creek. Photos and stories of the Florida wilds around Fisheating Creek in Central Florida
October Bahamas. Photos and adventure stories of many years' visits to the Bahamas
November Art and Artifacts of St Vincent Island. Pottery shards and other artsy beauty from a national wildlife refuge
December Favorites. Favorite photos with their backstories selected from many years of my photoblog posts.
June Adventures in Search of Gander Spring. A harrowing tale and the adventures that followed.